Unblock care delivery with cost-effective support.

Say goodbye to long wait times on the phone. Get your patients' denials handled as soon as they happen with support on stand-by.
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Flexible pricing


per month per provider, billed monthly
Experience convenient, simple and secure prior authorization criteria look-up and denial support. Spend less time on the phone and more time with patients.
No long-term commitment
Discounts available for larger volumes
Experienced prior authorization specialists
3 day guaranteed turnaround

Relieve the administrative burden.

Decrease time to get information and denials appealed with our fast turnaround time.

Deliver patient care without compromising care plans due to prior authorization denials.

Access the updated knowledge base of eligibility criteria decreasing future denials.

“Spending hours a week on the phone is no longer required for us to get patients the imaging they need.”

* Office manager at Angels Wing Health Care.

DoPriorAuth is helping me take back patient care.

Get started
“DoPriorAuth has been a game changer, offering support to help in the battle to get patients the care they need.”
Jessica, RN St. Lucia Health