Unlock the Power of Virtual Care.

Say goodbye to waiting rooms.
Discover the future of healthcare with Verywell’s holistic wellness platform.

What is Verywell?

Verywell’s Patient-First Approach puts your well-being front and center.

We cover a wide range of healthcare services to promote overall wellness.

Book appointments at your convenience with our user-friendly online scheduling system.

Connect with our network of experienced general practitioners and mental health experts.

Over 80%* of our clients experienced an improvement in their well-being after switching to Verywell.

Client Stories
* Provide some evidence or context around the claims made above here.

How Verywell works

Verywell’s Patient-First Approach puts your well-being front and center.

Create an account by providing your information and email address then access our network of healthcare professionals.

Explore our roster of experienced general practitioners and mental health experts, reviewing their profiles and expertise to find the one that best suits your needs.

Once you've selected the desired practitioner, choose a convenient date and time slot from their available schedule.

Verywell is bringing high-quality healthcare into your home.

Get started
“Verywell has been a game changer, offering compassionate support and expertise that truly helped me regain control of my life.”
Andrew, South Yarra

Our Mission

To provide convenient access to high-quality healthcare services, focusing on personalized care and delivering exceptional results. Verywell enables you to connect with trusted general practitioners and mental health experts in a secure, confidential, and user-friendly environment.